Sunday, April 27, 2014

owncloud 5->6 migration

You had some old owncloud VM kicking around for awhile.  You want to save the data but trash the VM and start over - you're not sure how you installed owncloud any more and you just don't want to deal with old VM baggage.  Or maybe your VM took a shit and all you have are the data and config files from the old release.

Either way, here's how to take some old owncloud 5 data files and get them operational with a new owncloud 6 install on debian jessie:

(From here on out our backups are assumed to be in the directory in the $ocbak variable.  Before running these commands just export that to be your actual backup location:

slice@own $ export ocbak='/mnt/ocbak'

Note also that you may be able to omit some of these steps, but this is the way I did it and it worked.

Also note that this guide doesn't cover apache config at all; a standard owncloud config should work fine, and make sure everything under /var/www can be served.)

Installation the first

First you need to find out what old owncloud version you were running.  Try running this command if you don't care:

slice@own $ wget`cat $ocbak/config/config.php | grep "'version'" | cut -d'=' -f2 | sed "s/.*'\\(.*\\)'.*/\\1/g"`.tar.bz2

That may fail - if so, take a look at the config file to get your version number.

slice@own $ vi $ocbak/config/config.php

Somewhere you'll see a line that looks like this:

'version' => '5.0.14',

Hit google for the download link for that tar file, or just do this:

slice@own $ wget
slice@own $ tar xjf owncloud-5.0.14a.tar.bz2
slice@own $ mv owncloud /var/www/owncloud-5
slice@own $ cp -rfv $ocbak/* /var/www/owncloud-5
slice@own $ chown -Rc www-data:www-data owncloud-5

Edit the config file (/var/www/owncloud-5/config/config.php) to point to new data dir  (/var/www/owncloud-5/data).  Then restart apache and log in to the site and make sure everything is good.

slice@own $ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Installation the second

Now we basically do the same thing over again with owncloud 6.  (Right now this is the latest - in the far future you might want to go to version 6 before going to whatever the current version in your unimaginable future time is.)

slice@own $ wget
slice@own $ tar xjf owncloud-latest.tar.bz2
slice@own $ mv owncloud /var/www/owncloud-6
slice@own $ cp -rfv /var/www/owncloud-5/data /var/www/owncloud-5/config /var/www/owncloud-6/
slice@own $ chown -Rc www-data:www-data owncloud-6

Edit the config file (/var/www/owncloud-6/config/config.php) to point to new data dir  (/var/www/owncloud-6/data).  Then restart apache and log in to the site and make sure everything is good.

slice@own $ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

Installation the third (?)

You now have a working owncloud 6 setup, so you could just stop here.  However, a little extra work now should make future upgrades as simple as a aptitude update && aptitude upgrade.

Just to make sure some old configs don't get in the way, we'll try to purge owncloud before we install:

slice@own $ aptitude update
slice@own $ aptitude purge owncloud
slice@own $ aptitude install owncloud
slice@own $ cp -fv /var/www/owncloud-6/config/* /etc/owncloud/
slice@own $ cp -rfv /var/www/owncloud-6/data /usr/share/owncloud/
slice@own $ chown -Rc www-data:www-data /usr/share/owncloud/data /etc/owncloud/

Edit the config file (/etc/owncloud/config.php) to point to new data dir  (/usr/share/owncloud/data).  Then restart apache and log in to the site and make sure everything is good.

slice@own $ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart


If everything worked ok, we can get rid of the intermediate installations and the tar files:

slice@own $ rm -rfv owncloud-5.0.14a.tar.bz2 owncloud-latest.tar.bz2 /var/www/owncloud-5 /var/www/owncloud-6
slice@own $ /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

I'm pretty sure some steps could be skipped - you may be able to skip both manual installations and just drop your old data files in the debian install directories.  If you're brave, try it and leave a comment.  But this way certainly works.

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