Recently, the folks over at the Debian Project decided it was time to move the testing channel, Wheezy, up to become the new stable release. Making the move requires making a bunch of changes to the OS, so I figured it would be a good time to make a bunch more. (Full instructions from the Debian Project, which I used as a starting place for this guide. Also, this guy's blog post helped me wade through the extraneous instruction a bit.)
Initial steps were simple. Open sources.list and replace occurrences of squeeze with wheezy:
vi /etc/apt/sources.list
If, like me, you had backports added to squeeze, you'll need to take note of the new URL format for wheezy backports. A simple S&R won't cut it here. The new format looks like this:
deb wheezy-backports main contrib non-free
Of course, remove contrib and non-free if you don't want to use any packages that aren't free software (or require non-free software to function).
I didn't back up anything, because the system I'm upgrading isn't important, but if your system is important, back some stuff up. This is a pretty big update, and all sorts of things could go wrong, so, once again, if you care about the contents of your hard disks, go do it right.
Typically I would mentally :%s/apt-[a-zA-Z]/aptitude/g, but the big guide seemed a bit preferential toward apt-get, so I went with that for the instructions here.
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
Not too bad.
apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get dist-upgrade
Oh god, this thing wants to install so many packages. At this point I considered backing out and just running off the wheezy repos, leaving the system as is. But this system was newly installed in February, so I decided to take the plunge. I'll just uninstall all that junk later, assuming I don't trash the install completely.
This took a long time, probably because the Debian servers are getting slammed.
After an age, I got a fullscreen prompt relating to a change in mdadm. It wants to know if you need a filesystem on the RAID to boot, which seems like it would usually be a bad idea, but I don't know what kind of constraints people work under. My box does have a RAID array, but it boots from a filesystem on a different disk, so I changed the value in the text field here from "all" to "none". I selected "yes" to the next question, on whether to start all arrays after boot.
Towards the end of installation, I was seeing output for initramfs, and my desktop background turned this scary error-shade of green. May have had to do with using the background slideshow, I'm not sure.
My bash.rc had been edited, and the maintained version had changed, so I was asked to do something about it. I took the "open a shell" option and copied out my modified version so I could merge it back with the new version later.
After the dist-upgrade completed, as you might expect, Gnome went nuts. The shut down prompt that opened had Unicode Squares of Confusion instead of text; I gambled on the farthest left button and was greeted with a black screen telling me I had won - the system was rebooting.
It came back with a new and exciting Grub background. I chose the older 2.6 kernel and booted. A couple of warnings, nothing that looked too serious, and then an empty black screen. Waited here for 10 minutes, and then rebooted into recovery mode.
Looking around a bit, I found about what I had expected - X didn't boot properly. /var/log/Xorg.0.log told me what I needed to know - the kernel I was using was too old. Time to uninstall that old kernel anyway. Farewell, Linux 2.6.32, you've treated me well.
aptitude remove linux-image-2.6-686 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686
Next installment: I think I accidentally ran an aptitude install ubuntu.
It came back with a new and exciting Grub background. I chose the older 2.6 kernel and booted. A couple of warnings, nothing that looked too serious, and then an empty black screen. Waited here for 10 minutes, and then rebooted into recovery mode.
Looking around a bit, I found about what I had expected - X didn't boot properly. /var/log/Xorg.0.log told me what I needed to know - the kernel I was using was too old. Time to uninstall that old kernel anyway. Farewell, Linux 2.6.32, you've treated me well.
aptitude remove linux-image-2.6-686 linux-image-2.6.32-5-686
Next installment: I think I accidentally ran an aptitude install ubuntu.
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